Importance of guest blogging is proliferating day-by-day and hence forcing each newbie bloggers to spend notable time in writing and submitting guest posts in websites and blogs with high Google PageRank.
Despite the fact that the guest blogging for just backlinks is not the genuine way, the preeminent intention of guest blogging is still backlinks.
Well, because of the mentioned rush of bloggers and internet marketers, blog owners, especially those who having high PR blogs, are forced to tighten their schedule that is already busy with various task.
Before We Start Right before you use mentioned plugins for improving guest post accepting process, you should try to change the way of how you receive guest posts from people.
Nowadays, it is not at all good to create one ‘Write For Us’ page in your blog and give your email address to receive post requests from guest bloggers. Instead, there are different ways to choose from. Major ones are as follows:
This method is useful only if you are using the account-based system for accepting guest posts. And you need all guest bloggers to be registered as a contributor in your blog.
Once you have installed the plugin in your blog, instead of the publish button, each contributor can see the ‘Submit for Review’.
If one contributor has saved one post for reviewing, specific roles, as you have defined in settings, will get email notification that a post has been submitted for reviewing process. At the same time, the contributor will get a mail regarding that his post has been marked for reviewing process and will be monitored by the authorities soon.
Contributors will also be notified when you have changed the state of his/her guest post. For instance, if you have approved or declined the post, the corresponding contributor will know the incident in seconds. By using this plugin, you can cut off your efforts of sending email confirmations when you have published the post.
Earlier, we said that the account-based guest post accepting process is quite simple than you expect. However, one problem you might find is the increasing number of spam account registrations as well as guest blogging requests.
For fighting against this problem, you can use the Sabre plugin for WordPress. Installation of this plugin will toughen the registration process and hence reducing amount of spam emails. For instance, the plugin will add superb strong CAPTCHA code into the registration form and add a mathematical code, etc.
Obviously, this plugin can reduce number of spam account registrations you get. Also, you can use the plugin in your blog even if you do not use guest-posting methods but want to reduce number of spam accounts.
As you know, WordPress has a feature for allowing anyone to register on the website. When ticking the option, you have to give a user role that should be given to the newly registered user.
By default, there are five roles such as the Admin, editor, contributor and subscriber. Nevertheless, in some situations, you might think that the list is not at all enough. Then, you will have to create new kind of user in your blog, with specific privileges. For the purpose, you may use the mentioned WordPress plugin.
You have options for creating new kind of user; edit the privileges of existing user type etc. If you want to edit the privileges of the ‘Contributor’, you can see an image like following.
From the capabilities tab, you have to select the suitable privileges and then hit save. Obviously, this tool is useful not only for guest blogging but also if you want to promote one your partner with specific number of privileges.
If you ever had diverted your attention towards guest blogging, you might be familiar with, which is a community for receiving and submitting guest posts for your blog.
Using the service, you can get a lot of guest posts without even asking to others. First, you have to create an account in the mentioned website followed by the adding of your blog and the installation of plugin.
Once you have given details such as URL, category, title etc, you can find hundreds of guest posts, meeting your requirements, in the mentioned community.
After the verification of blog, you can install the WordPress plugin in your blog and start exploring the large number of guest posts, available for your blog. Hence, it would be easier for you to accept and publish guest posts from your WordPress dashboard itself. Of course, this is a useful tool, indeed. For more details, the service itself has published a full-fledged tutorial in their blog.
At the first part of the article, we had said that you could use one ‘Form’ for accepting guest posts to your website. But, it is not possible for everyone to use their PHP skills and build such a form. In this situation, you can use one plugin for making a great form for receiving guest posts from guest bloggers.
Once you have finished the installation of the plugin, you have to enter a custom short code, [mag-simple-guest-post], where you would like to display the form for receiving posts, probably on a ‘write for us’ page.
When you have saved the page, you can see a full-fledged form, as shown in the above image. All those posts would be saved as drafts in your blog and you can see them when you open your dashboard. Hence, the mentioned plugin is superb and quite productive.
Hope these WordPress plugins can help you in improving the guest post accepting experience in your blog. If you are ready to follow these methods, it is sure that the process will be easier for both guest bloggers as well as you, as a blog owner. Do you use any other plugin for the purpose? Do let us know via comments.