

Incremental model
  • The principle that underlies the incremental model implies expanding the capabilities, completing the modules and functions of the application. 
  • The literal translation of the word increment: "increase by one." This "increment of one" is also used to denote product versions.
  • One of the principles - interaction - implies that the customer interacts with the team, the team with the customer - everything with each other. This allows for the exchange of experience between team members and the client and for each of them to participate in decision-making. 
  • This approach reduces the risks of wasting time and money and increases the team's ability to solve complex non-standard tasks with a high degree of uncertainty.
  • In general, the Lean approach focuses on testing needs and values ​​and meeting the market's expectations with the most minimal means. Lean is not about “technical” problems and their engineering solutions, but about an entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving. 
  • Lean assumes that you are looking for the simplest solution to achieve a result: technically, organizationally, etc. while simplifying everything that is not really important.
  • Simplification is the power and main "trap" of Lean: the desire to simplify everything sometimes leads to situations in which the product is simplified so much that really important functions are lost and the product is essentially unnecessary since it does not bring value to the user.
RUP (Rational Unified Process)
  • Product development with this method consists of four phases (initial stage, refinement, construction, implementation), each of which includes one or more iterations. RUP is a huge methodology that is difficult to fit into a paragraph of text, but the methods recommended by RUP are based on the statistics of commercially successful projects.
DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Model)
  • A methodology that demonstrates a set of principles, predefined role types, and techniques. The principles are aimed at the main goal - to deliver a finished project on time and within budget, with the ability to adjust requirements during development. 
  • DSDM is part of a family of agile software development methodologies and non-information technology developments

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