
How to Fixed Ads.Txt Error In Adsense Account Of Blogger Website

How to Fixed Ads.Txt Error In Adsense Account Of Blogger Website

How to Fixed Ads.Txt Error In Adsense Account Of Blogger Website: Finally, I Fixed The Ads.Txt Error On The Blogger Website: It said "Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid a severe impact on your revenue". Also, it was followed by the required solution to fix this error. I did everything as it was mentioned in the Ads.txt guide - Adsense Help to fix this issue. 

Like, I enabled "Custom ads.txt" and added ", pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0" (after replacing the pub number). After following the required fixing steps I had to wait for some days for the error to go away.

I waited and kept on checking regularly to see whether it is gone or not. Ads were still showing but they were limited I think till the period the same error flashing on the Adsense account. Days passed, weeks passed, and like this 4 months passed away but the ads.txt error was still there.

Along with this, I was facing one more issue in the Adsense Auto ad settings preview of the same website. It was "We can't preview this area of your page because it's in an IFRAME". Auto ads were not displayed in the body of the website due to this issue. 

I searched everywhere but found nothing that worked on it so I was thinking to change the theme of this website which might help to resolve the Auto ads iframe issue. I was preparing myself to change the theme and then suddenly I found something that fixed both the issues mentioned above.

How to Fixed Ads.Txt Error In Adsense Account Of Blogger Website

The Solution To Fix The Ads.Txt Error And Auto Ads Iframe Issue

How to Fixed Ads.Txt Error In Adsense Account Of Blogger Website: While reviewing the Settings tab in Blogger I found that my website's non-www URL did not redirect to the www URL while I had enabled the "Redirect domain". 

I switched the setting ON to redirect domain while setting up the website in blogger initially but forgot to check whether it is redirected or not and here I made a mistake which led to various other issues I think. 

I am not sure about it, this is just my perception that it might be the direct or indirect possible reason for the various issues encountered in the Adsense account because when I solved this, it fixed everything in few hours. Ads.txt error was gone the next day and Adsense Auto ads settings preview was also showing ads in the body of the blogger website.

I have redirected the non-www URL of the domain to the www URL in blogger but did not add A records in DNS settings of the same domain in the domain provider's account (Godaddy in my case). 

So I followed an article in the Blogger help which is meant to set up a custom domain in blogger and entered the 4 A records as mentioned there. It redirected from non-www to www URL and yes it solved the iframe issue in Adsense Auto ads preview settings.

The next day I checked and the ads.txt error was gone. I was so happy and grateful that finally, I found the solution to all the issues at the same time. If you are also one of them who has the same issue then you check your settings and treat it if required.

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